App Development

Smartphone /
Tablet Application Development
Leave it to us for simultaneous iOS/Android development and simultaneous development of applications for smartphones/tablets.
AsiaQuest can develop iOS/Android applications at the same time.
Because we implement design and development taking into account differences in operating systems, we can provide applications with unified usability. In addition, since recently, not only different carriers but also devices of different sizes have been released by various manufacturers, it is necessary to develop applications for different devices and screens for iPhone/iPad/iPad mini/iPod touch for iOS and various smartphones/tablets and 7-inch tablets for Android, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to develop apps that take into account the differences in devices and screen sizes.
AsiaQuest will be able to develop applications for both iOS and Android operating systems and for a variety of devices such as smartphones and tablets when developing services for your company.
We develop applications
that are used in a variety of situations.
We are capable of developing various types of apps, both BtoC and BtoB.
We are capable of developing various types of apps such as EC apps, business apps, PDF viewer/e-book viewer apps, photo/video posting apps, game apps, and news apps.
* We can propose and develop applications other than those listed above upon request,
so please feel free to contact us.
E-commerce Shopping Apps
We will develop a smartphone/tablet application version of the EC site.
We will develop a UI that takes advantage of the features of smart devices, taking into account the limited screen size. We also flexibly support API integration with existing systems and payment systems to realize application development that takes other systems into consideration.
Business applications for
catalogs and displays
We will develop applications for sales promotions to be used as store displays and product catalogs, taking advantage of the operability and good appearance of smart devices.
Because it is not paper-based media, it requires no space for storage, etc., and enables instantaneous retrieval of vast amounts of data.
Business applications for
customer service and counseling
We will develop a business application for customer service and counseling that changes the displayed results according to the content of the conversation with the customer during face-to-face customer service.
It is possible to perform customer service and counseling operations by inputting the content of questions and answers at the sales destination, conducting questionnaires for customers, conducting interviews at stores into a smart device, and displaying products and services on the smart device in accordance with the content of those questions and answers.
Sales support and SFA applications
We will develop a sales support application that can be used as a tool to share internal documents such as product catalogs, videos, HTM, etc. that you have in data, and carry a huge amount of data with you.
It is also possible to accumulate company-wide sales know-how by sending information acquired through schedule management, daily report registration, surveys, etc. to the server and consolidating it.
Viewer application
We develop book viewers and PDF viewer applications for viewing PDFs and e-books.
We can provide functions that are essential for viewers, such as a search function, bookshelf function, bookmark function, etc., according to your needs.
Web content-linked application
We develop applications that display information provided by existing web services in native applications by communicating with the server.
We can create highly updatable applications that are linked to the website in consideration of post-introduction operational tasks.
iPhone/iPad and Android application design and development support for proposal/planning and design
- Want to offer our web services in iOS and Android versions of our apps.
- Want to create an Android version of the app based on the iOS version of the app.
- Want to improve business efficiency by introducing applications using smart devices
- Want to develop applications that work with our existing systems.
- Want to create apps that integrate with social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Gree, Mobage, etc.
AsiaQuest designs and develops applications to meet the various needs described above.
AsiaQuest will support your company from various perspectives, not only in design and development, but also in the planning and design phases, from proposals tailored to your company's needs to operation after the service is launched.
We also provide support for iOS and Android developer applications and app market applications, and handle the application procedures on behalf of our clients, making it possible to provide apps and launch services as early as possible.
How to proceed with application development
We will support your company's service provision at every stage of the process, from the proposal phase of application development to operation.

Hearing, planning and proposal

Requirement definition


Development and Unit testing

Coupling and Scenario testing

Application Representation and
Application Support