Understand operator uptime and
Visualization of work content
TMJ, Inc. is engaged in a wide range of BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) business. In order to accurately manage operator operating hours and work content in its call center business, which has multiple locations, TMJ implemented a man-hour management solution using Smart CUBE, a dice-shaped IoT device.
Customer HP:https://www.tmj.jp/
TMJ, Inc.'s call center operations had been managed by operators who manually registered their number of hours in an Excel macro system, but due to the time and effort required to switch windows on the display, the system was not able to accurately measure the number of hours spent by operators. In September 2020, TMJ introduced the Smart CUBE series of dice-shaped IoT devices developed by AsiaQuest, with the aim of understanding the operating hours of operators and accurately visualizing the content of their work.
AsiaQuest handled everything from the selection of beaconnect plus for installation to the construction of the on-site environment and support maintenance.
Smart CUBE is a dice-shaped IoT device that automatically collects data on the number of man-hours spent by users by linking each surface with the work to be managed. This eliminates the need to manually input data on paper or PC. Even if the person in charge is not on-site, the work status of each person in charge and the totaled data can be visualized on the beaconnect plus Web screen, enabling appropriate approaches to the workers.
In pursuit of ease of use, we customized the conventional hexahedron Smart CUBE into a decahedron for TMJ. Furthermore, by using the management screen for analysis of beaconnect plus, operator operations are made visible.
Employees are given a beacon, and simply passing by a gateway device is enough to enter and leave the office, automatically recording their attendance.
"beaconnect plus" can also manage beacons and gateway devices on the management screen, and the acquired logs can be linked to existing attendance systems.
As a result, attendance input omissions and errors are reduced, and more appropriate working hour management is realized.
The alphabet on the surface is expressed in unevenness so that even visually impaired users can use the system. Operators can simply roll the Smart CUBE in their hand onto the surface associated with their work content to report their work easily and in real time.
In addition, since the responsible person can centrally grasp the work content of each operator on the web page of "beaconnect plus", an IoT platform provided by the Company, appropriate approaches can be made in real time.
We will consider deploying this system at locations throughout Japan, subject to approval by our business partners.

About AsiaQuest, Inc.
AsiaQuest is a "digital integrator" that supports corporate DX. We do not only provide ordinary system integration, but also provide consulting services to help our clients think about DX together, and design, develop, and operate systems that make full use of digital technologies necessary for DX.
We have specialized technology teams in the digital fields of IoT, AI, Cloud, Mobile, Web, and UI/UX, and we can put together the most appropriate project team to achieve the client's goals. We are capable of speedy response from implementation of PoC to verification of effectiveness of business models and technical issues to construction of large scale systems for digitalization.